[SEL] O.T. Bottlebrush Wood

rdhaskell at juno.com rdhaskell at juno.com
Tue Aug 17 21:43:45 PDT 2004

Hi Paul.
Here in California we have a decorative tree we call Bottlebrush, it has
red flower that look like a bottle brush.  Very slow growing, dense, dark
reddish-purple wood.  I have made some small vases for my wife out of
them, very beautiful wood.  It is not easy to find, I have some at work
but only small pieces.  All the large pieces have bark inclusions and
split as it dries.  I am always looking for more.

Ron Haskell
rdhaskell at juno.com
Riverside, California

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:27:23 -0500 <paulmaples at sbcglobal.net> writes:
> I hope if you are reading this it is because you want to as I put in 
> the
> subject line TWICE that this is an Off Topic Request. This is just 
> a
> disclaimer for anyone who may be offended by this.
> Anyway I am looking for a piece of Bottlebrush Wood for a project 
> and I have
> never heard of this wood before. Just need a piece about 2 to 3" 
> round and
> maybe a foot long. Where in the world can I find this
> stuff................maybe Mars of Jupiter?
> Paul

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