[SEL] Looking for Stover Owners

Hugh Jorgan maytag_eradication_initiative at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 7 01:03:57 PDT 2004

Jeez Louise!
Tommy Turner just posted pictures of virtually an entire engine that
he recreated and you are worried about a stinking little fuel saver
arm. Start off by getting the valves loosened up and get the thing
running, then get some scrap iron and make one. Keep playing with it
until you get something that works and then worry about making it
look nice. It shouldn't be hard to know what the right part should
look like once you know how it works.
Anyone hear anything from Glenn Winslow lately? Maybe the rattler
got him? Now we have a homeless and unemployed gerbil to deal
--- paulmaples at sbcglobal.net wrote:

> Ok Gang I am going to try again. I would like to correspond with
> ANYONE who
> has any Stover's with Fuel Saver Arms on them. I just cannot
> accept that I
> have the only Stover Head in the world with my configuration of
> Fuel Saver
> Arm, the one I cannot find. It want take you but a second to
> respond to this
> inquiry and let me know if you have a Stover Engine with a Fuel
> Saver Arm,
> you may just be the person I have been searching for during the
> last five or
> so years.

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