[SEL] Maytag questions

Rex Hinz rexhinz at chorus.net
Mon Aug 2 15:56:42 PDT 2004

Arnie ;

       I'll have to try your methods sounds like real expert advice , I'll
bet Curt has it running by now , If not maybe Dave Rotigel has some real
good advice also, I'll have to try the coal minners pick trick as mine keeps
rattling the bolts loose from the kick starter :-)))

Rex Hinz
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Curt Holland" <curt at imc-group.com>
To: "SEL(new)" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: [SEL] Maytag questions

> Have a few questions for you Maytag experts:
> 1) What is a good way to brighten the aluminum flywheel on a Maytag? I
> used air conditioning fin cleaning acid and this was a good start but it
> is not brilliant shiny yet.
> 2) On a twin, what is/are the correct colors for each piece supposed to
> 3) At the outboard edge of the main bearing/bushings is something that
> looks like it may have been a seal at one time. Are there seals/felt or
> something that is supposed to be there?
> 4) Which way is the crown on the pistons to be oriented? When I took it
> apart one had the slope facing the exhaust port the other facing the
> intake port. Bet that didn't run well!
> 5) What is a good method to attach one of these to the skids?
> 6) Is there supposed to be a gasket between the bottom of the crankcase
> and the top of the gas tank?
> 7) What is the 1/4 pipe plug in the top of the crankcase for?
> Thanks,
> Curt Holland
> Gastonia, NC
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